Monday, 24 December 2012

[Seiyuu Event] Hetalia Marukaite Chikyu Kansha Matsuri 2010

[Seiyuu Event] Hetalia Marukaite Chikyu Kansha Matsuri 2010 

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh <3 
Gotta Love Germany's SEIYUUUUU <3  SO HANDSOME o///////////o 
Well.. To begin 
To all Hetalia fans out there.. I love yah so much! <3 

In the event there are so many funny and random stuff had been discussed. <3
But first.... France.... Y are u so dirty XD 
 Then All of a sudden....
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Srsly Loled. (Btw. when I was watching this WH is with me <3)
When America's Seiyuu commented that "While He was acting France the girls where laughing." Then All of the sudden..... 
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Srsly. Talk about being dirty. <3

Then when it comes to Prussia.... 
He's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute. <3 At first I was thinking that he's voice acting Austria. Well. Expect the unexpected. 

Chibitalia's Seiyuu is awesome <3 
I was surprised when she was asked "What Character do you want to do?". She answered "I want to be Prussia." I was like o_o. Then she suddenly act like Prussia... Oh... Strong One. <3 Gotta love her. 

When it comes to Holy Roman Empire's Seiyuu... I was awed by his beauty of words. 


When it was Russia's Seiyuuu turn he wants to voice act France or something then it turns to this... 
My Curiosity tells me that I want to know what that Censored mean. (I'm such a perv o///o) 

I love the way Prussia's Seiyuu was all modest and all then suddenly turns to be very me-first character. XD <3 

The next category was the song...
I srsly laughed to poor England's Seiyuu being distracted by France's Seiyuu XD
Then when its France's Seiyuu turn to speak he adviced that "It is best to sing with your face." XD Srsly. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! 

Then the next category was food
It was England's Seiyuu Birthday 2 days later. 
I sense USUK <3 If you what I mean... 
Then when all of the Seiyuu's asked England to taste it first because they want to know if it taste bad...
The bite..
Then when he taste it...
Then all of a sudden...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Srsly. XD Then... 

POOR England. XD Then Germany said...
Poor England. <3 

The next category is Dubbing
Germany said to Japan. "The Axis Power had hardly have ever together , huh?" Then Japan  said...(The Axis Power are Germany , Italy , and Japan.)
 The Germany said...
HAHAHAHAHA! Talk about being absent. XD
So... They sample a live dub..
They were all like "WHAT?!" , or like "I DIDN'T READ THIS PART OF THE SCRIPT!!" XD LOL!!!
Then suddenly France tells America how handful he is for being absent. XD 
Then.... Japan said "I always wonder myself while dubbing. Why am I standing here all alone? America and Japan has many scene." 
Then America suddenly.....
XD HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Then America said..
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SRSLY!!! XD Actually when we are watching this scene my mom stared at us saying "What are you two laughing at?" with an Black American Accent. XD

Then The live dub begins... 
The first was Germany and Italy. They Dubbed Episode 5 :The White Flag.
Then France Said....
I smell GERITA in the air <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 (My Favorite Hetalia Couple <3) 
After the live dub France Suggested that....
This is the scene where Germany was dubbing while Forehead tapping Italy.
Then Germany Suddenly gives France A long , Hard Stare. <3 
GERITA!!! <3 
When they all dubbed Episode 31 : Christmas Half.
On the First set of Dub They where all mixed. Except for...
Poor England.. But it was hilarious. XD And it was also Ad-lib. o_o So awesome...
Then on the second set of dubbing but this time it's not mixed. Then England said on the last part... (This is also Episode 31: Christmas Half)
In the First part of the Dub.. Germany was Voice acting France. OHMY <3 HOTNESS OVERLOAD!!! and America was voice acting China was hilarious. When he said "Ato Pizza-ko-aru." With pause. XD SRSLY.. HILARIOUS!!! Then China Said.. "I don't think that. I'm that bad." XD  

Then the next Dub is Episode 31 : Christmas Second Half... Well the Voice Actors are gonna be Germany , Italy , and Japan.. Since they never dubbed together...
When Germany , Italy and Japan are on stage. Germany goes.... 
Then France Suggested that... 
Then France Also Suggested that...
Then Germany goes... 
The audience goes all "WAAAAAAAAAH" And stuff... I think it was "KYAAAA" or something. 
Inner Fangirlism. <3
Then while they are dubbing... There was a moment of long stare of Germany and Italy....
The Audience goes like "KYAAAA <3" or something. XD I SENSE GERITA <3
Then Germany said...
Then when there are finish dubbing... France said....
Then the next was Advertising the Movie... Yes. Prussia was cute. <3
Then he sings his character song the "Mein Gott" 
When the song ended Germany walked in stage..... 
Wooooooooooooooooooooooh <3 GERMANY!!! <3 
Then they sang they're ending song Marukaite Chikyu.
Then France said... 
Then Germany said...
Then France suggested that...
The France goes....
Then Germany said...
Then France GOES.....

Then when it's the turn to say good bye... 
Germany said "It's the turn of the guy with an eye-shadow"
Then suddenly France said something dirty and then America...
Then Germany...
Then France....

The other stays away from France.... Then suddenly France said...
Then countered by England...
Then France said....
Srsly... I want to know what Censored mean.... (PERV <3) 
When Germany said "All that you said earlier will be cut on the Dvd." Then France Goes....
Then when France Stands up...
Then it was America's turn to say something. "The rain was so heavy and-" he asked...
 Then France Butt in..
Then when they are about to end it. I saw something fishy.....

Let's end this... 
This post is so long. I hope people will have the courage to read this further. <3 
Btw. I recommend people to watch this <3 It's so hilarious!!!

(This the post that I'm talking about. <3) 
Merry Christmas and Advance Happy New Year :D

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